



I consider it a great privilege to be called into the profession of education.  The dynamic relationship between student and teacher is one of trust, vulnerability, mutual respect, and love for the subject of study. As a teacher I work to discover and nurture the unique voice each student has to offer this world. It is my hope that each student will grow into their own best teacher - ensuring a lifetime of learning.

I offer private lessons to students of all ages on oboe, English horn and reed making. In addition, I am available for masterclasses and woodwind chamber ensemble coaching. To schedule, please contact me at: esulli12@uncc.edu.






My journey of reed making began at my very first oboe lesson when I was only 12 years old, sitting in the tiny office of my beloved first teacher. I am always learning how to better make reeds, not only for myself, but others and geared towards different conditions. Chamber setting? Solo recital? Orchestral program featuring Mozart or Mahler? Each situation requires a special reed. (And let's not even get into altitude or humidity...) 

I realize that not everyone has access to a specialized teacher in order to learn about reed making or you may not have the time or desire to make reeds. I am happy to help! I provide reeds for purchase to a number of professionals, students, and school programs. All reeds are handmade by me in the traditional American long-scape style. I play each reed prior to shipping to ensure its consistency, intonation and warmth of tone. 

To place a reed order simply go to the "Reeds" page. If it is your first time ordering reeds from me then I just ask that you fill out the player profile questionnaire and include as much information as possible in the final check out form so that I can be sure to customize the order to your unique needs.

Reed related questions? Want to set up a reed making lesson or masterclass? Send me an email at esulli12@uncc.edu.